Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Last Chance Tourism

     Last chance tourism refers to places that people wish to travel to before they are seemingly no longer there.  Weather and climates affect our decisions on where we want to visit and travel to, but it also affects our ability to travel to different destinations.  With last chance tourism it is advertised that places, or destinations, are likely to vanish soon due to somethings like climate change.  Places that are seen today as last chance destinations are glaciers, that have been melting through the years, islands, that are slowly becoming more and more covered by water due to rising sea levels, and forests that are continually being deforested or not able to adapt to changing weather.  The article also lists some headlines from different magazines that relate to the topic of last chance tourism. 

Source: Last Chance Tourism

Ord, Cynthia. "Last Chance Tourism? Vanishing Destinations and Tourism’s Roles in Saving Them | Your Travel Choice Blog." Your Travel Choice Blog. N.p., 8 Dec. 2010. Web. 23 Apr. 2013. <http://www.yourtravelchoice.org/2010/12/last-chance-tourism-vanishing-destinations-and-tourisms-roles-in-saving-them/>. 

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