Thursday, April 4, 2013

Vertical Skyscrapper

Tree being lifted to destination on Milan skyscraper
        Two skyscrapers, one 26 stories tall and the other 18 stories, are under construction in Milan.  The construction started in 2008 and is expected to be finished sometime this year, allowing people to move in.  These aren't just ordinary skyscrapers though, these are Bosco Verticale, or Vertical Forests.
       The two buildings are supposed to have almost 2.5 acres of forests on the sides of the buildings, according to the construction firm.  These include big and medium-sized trees, small trees, and groundcover plants that will housed on the sides of the buildings.
       The plants on these buildings aren't just for show but are going to supposedly help filter out the air pollution within the big city.  Humidity will be, supposedly, created while dust and carbon dioxide will be absorbed.  The production of oxygen will also happen.

Original Article can be found here: Vertical Forest Skyscrapers

Krumboltz, Mike. "‘Vertical forest’ skyscrapers coming to Milan | Compass - Yahoo! Travel." Yahoo! Travel - Cheap flights, hotels, travel guides & car rental. N.p., 28 Mar. 2013. Web. 4 Apr. 2013. <>.

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