Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Animal Endangerments may lead to Extinction

As we know different species of animals have different requirements in terms of food source and habitat.  As Earth's average global temperatures increase so do the various climates throughout the different regions of the world.  Scientists say that global warming is likely to be a part of major and mass extinctions of animal species in the future. 

     Giant Pandas in China are dependent on bamboo, which is their diet.  Bamboo though on grows under specific conditions which if compromised by climate change would cause dire consequences for giant panda populations.

     Orangutans are being affected by loss of habitat as well.  As the temperatures warm the areas that they live in are become more prone to droughts and brush fires.  There is also a lot of logging that is going on by larger companies causing further habitat loss.

      Many frog species are being affected by the loss in rainfall in their habitats.  They require water in order to reproduce and the dryer conditions inhibit this from happening.  Warmer temperatures also cause the pools that tadpoles and eggs are left in dry up causing them to die, as well as adult frogs that lose they internal water through their skin in the higher temperatures.

      Tigers, not only under attack from poachers are at risk of losing the habitats to rising sea levels.  Their prey populations are also going down in numbers making it harder for them to find food.

In Africa elephants are losing their habitat by the encroachment of people.  Because of this they are losing places to move to as their habitats change, leaving them no where to move to.  There are also longer dry periods throughout Africa causing them more problems.

WWF. "WWF - Species threatened by climate change." World Wide Fund - WWF. N.p., n.d. Web. 8 May 2013. <>.

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