Sunday, May 12, 2013

The End

          The semester has come to an end as will most likely this blog.  It  has been an amazing semester and a great end to my undergraduate studies.  I have learned so much more through this class than I had expected, especially with the help of this blog, teaching me how to go out and find more information than scrapes the surface.  It has taught me to look in depth at what is going on and not let anyone give me just a one sided point of view on the issues that are at hand.  I have become more conscious of m actions and how the affect everyone around me, especially with my Climate Action and Plan, and will continue to work towards those goals.  Thank you again to everyone who has helped and been there, especially my Climate Change Teacher,  Dr. Carsten Braun.

1 comment:

  1. Reduce your carbon footprint by using cooling devices sensibly, Unplugging energy supplies, and reducing your consumption by recycling. Help raise funds for local communities with Lowsoot and get more ways to reduce carbon footprint at home!
