Saturday, May 11, 2013

The Green Initiative

     Holy Name Central Catholic Jr./Sr. High School, located in Worcester, MA, has a green initiative project in the form of a wind turbine.  Kevin Schulte said that the site that was picked is perfect for a wind turbine and that it will be used for both educational purposes in future years but it will also get awareness about the need for renewable energies throughout the United States.  The project cost was $1.5 million dollars but the goal of the project is to be able to provide the school with electricity so it isn't bought through the grid.  More information about the Holy Name Green Initiative can be found here.

More Information:

Holy Name. "Holy Name - Green Initiative." Holy Name Junior Senior High School | What a 21st Century Catholic Schools Should Be . N.p., n.d. Web. 11 May 2013. <>.

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