Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Shade for Change

        Plants have been seen to help slow climate change.  According to Nature Geoscience they are doing this through temperatures rising causing them to emit
gases that lead to the formation of sunshade of clouds over the planet.  This 'sun-dimming' effect is said to possibly offset about one percent of worldwide warming and up to thirty percent locally.  It has also helped to provide more evidence in the importance of forest protection.
        There were eleven sites around the world that were observed to show the tiny particles emitted from plants.  The focus was in Europe, North America, Russia, and southern Africa.  Forests are effected by warming by means of invasive species or pests kept in check by the cold as well as wildfires.

Source: http://weather.yahoo.com/plants-slow-climate-change-forming-cloud-sunshade-study-184108780.html
Nature Geoscience Studyhttp://www.nature.com/ngeo/journal/vaop/ncurrent/full/ngeo1800.html

Doyle, Alister. "Plants slow climate change by forming cloud sunshade - study - Yahoo! Weather." Yahoo! Weather - Weather Forecasts | Maps | News. N.p., 28 Apr. 2013. Web. 7 May 2013. <http://weather.yahoo.com/plants-slow-climate-change-forming-cloud-sunshade-study-184108780.html>.

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