Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Animal Endangerments may lead to Extinction pt. 2

As we know different species of animals have different requirements in terms of food source and habitat.  As Earth's average global temperatures increase so do the various climates throughout the different regions of the world.  Scientists say that global warming is likely to be a part of major and mass extinctions of animal species in the future. 
This won't be just for land species, but for marine species as well

       Polar Bears are probably one of the most well known animals that is being effected by global warming. They are more or less seen as the 'poster child' of many campaigns.  Because of global warming and climate change though there are a few reasons that the polar bear is so greatly affected.  For one the loss of sea ice leaves them with less land for breeding grounds as well as overall habitat.  This loss of habitat causes them to have not only less breeding grounds, but fewer areas for resting as well as for hunting.  But that isn't it, there is also a reduction in their food sources as well.  The abundance of seals within the areas is reducing as well.

       Right whales are also affected by climate change.  There are fewer than 500 right whales around the world today.  Back in the day people almost hunted whales to extinction but now they are under threat due to another kind of human attack.  Due to changes in sea water temperatures these large creatures are losing their main food source, Calanus finmarchicus, otherwise known as zooplankton.  Without this food source in abundance the whales aren't able to bulk up and be able to provide for their young as they should.  

       Seals, such as the Harp Seals and Ringed Seals, are suffering from a loss of sea ice that is no longer there for resting on while they search for fish and other food staples.  The underlying fact that climate change is effecting the animals that are part of the bottom of the food chain and ultimately will lead to the whole food chain being disrupted.

       Fish, such as cod, as well as lobsters are influenced by climate change because of the rising temperatures.  Most fish have specific requirements for their living and breading habitats.  It can also affect their growth as well.  Lobsters are affected by the rising sea temperatures more so than some other animals because they are coldblooded.  Because of this they require more energy to keep warm and it also depicts where the lobsters will live.  With a decline in fish and lobster many local fisheries and other economic areas will be affected.  

       Sea turtles are affected in multiple ways by climate change and global warming.  As the temperatures rise the nesting areas of the turtles are changing and becoming warmer.  As the temperatures warm there is less of a chance for a mix of male and female turtles as their gender is
 decided while in the egg by temperature.  Rising temperatures in water are also affecting the feeding grounds that the turtles utilize.  Aside from the rising temperatures the rising sea levels are causing there to be less area for nesting sites by the female turtles.  This causes them to be more at risk from human encroachment as well as them and their young being prayed on by other animals.

       Penguins are in a similar boat as the sea turtles.  While some penguin species though are suffering from loss of habitat and nesting grounds other penguin specie populations, such as the Adelie Penguin, are gaining nesting grounds due to the loss of sea ice.

NEAQ. "Climate change: the effects on ocean animals." New England Aquarium Home. N.p., n.d. Web. 8 May 2013. 

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