Sunday, May 12, 2013

Climate Science Watch

     After looking more into Terry Root and Steve Schneider I came across this website, Climate Science Watch.  They are a nonprofit public education group and project that is said to hold officials accountable for effectively using climate research and dealing with the global climate disruption.  Their work primarily focuses on the U.S. and its national policy developments.
     Their website has categories for a multitude of links from archives of information and posts from previous months and years dating back as far as 2005, to different videos involving talks with different climate scientists such as Dr. Benjamin Santer.  There are also videos recording their participation with's Global Work Party for action on climate and another of James Hansen and Rick Piltz on CBS 60 Minutes.  On a sidebar from the main page of the site you can be directed to a list of different categories from activism, to mitigation or adaptation, to the Obama Administration and even climate science censorship.

GAP. "Climate Science Watch | Promoting integrity in the use of climate science in government." Climate Science Watch | Promoting integrity in the use of climate science in government. G.A.P. - Government Accountability Program, n.d. Web. 12 May 2013. <>.

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