Sunday, May 12, 2013

Extinction Risks

          In this article from Nature Publishing Group in 2004 they discuss how climate change affects the distribution and abundance of species throughout the world.  They even used models to see different projections of populations in the future.  They used climate-envelope modelling, climate scenarios, species, and species-area approaches. Terry Root and Stephen Schneider did research as well on how climate changes effects ecological aspects of our world.  They looked at things such as pollen samples from previous ice ages.  They understood the importance of past changes in order to reconstruct behaviors for future models of ecosystems.

Root, T.L. & Schneider, S.H. (2006) Conservation and climate change: the challenges ahead. Conservation Biology, 20, 706–708. <>.

Thomas, C.D., Cameron, A., Green, R.E., Bakkenes, M., Beaumont, L.J., Collingham, Y.C., Erasmus, B.F.N., de Siqueira, M.F., Grainger, A., Hannah, L., Hughes, L., Huntley, B., van Jaarsveld, A.S., Midgley, G.F., Miles, L., Ortega-Huerta, M.A., Peterson, A.T., Phillips, O.L., Williams, S.E., 2004. Extinction risk from climate change. Nature 427, 145–148. <>.

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