Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Endangering the Wildlife

Section of Nat-Geo infographic depicting consequences of climate change on animals
Climate Change around the world not only will affect humans and our practices such as agriculture, but it also stresses out our natural ecosystems.  Within these ecosystems animals live and thrive in a particular manner.  If these delicate ecosystems are endangered it also puts stress on the wildlife which become more vulnerable than they may be already due to humans. 

Original Source: How We're Endangering Animals [Inforgraphic]
Howard, Brian Clark. "How We’re Endangering Animals [Infographic] – News Watch." News Watch - National Geographic News Blog. National Geographic, 16 Apr. 2012. Web. 10 Apr. 2013. <http://newswatch.nationalgeographic.com/2012/04/16/how-were-endangering-animals-infographic/>.

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