Thursday, April 4, 2013

'Vertical' Food Supplies

       This video talks about urbanization and farming.  Many people now a days don't farm, but instead rely on large  industrial farms.  As population grows there is a shortage of land for growing and pollution and climate change make harvesting crops even harder.  The university of Arizona in Tuscon has been looking into alternatives for traditional agriculture.  In a controlled environment they can save energy, water, and fertilizer to produce foods.
       Climate change is making it harder for crops to be grown in the quality and quantity that is needed for our growing community.  Places like Panama are having a harder time producing the produce they have for years is not becoming difficult due to population growth and climate change especially.  Having a vertical farm within a city there wouldn't be a need for transportation of goods from Latin America.

Original Source: Skyscraper Farms? Going 'Vertical' with Food Supply -

CBNonline. "Skyscraper Farms? Going 'Vertical' with Food Supply - - YouTube."YouTube. N.p., 11 May 2011. Web. 4 Apr. 2013. <>.

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