Sunday, April 7, 2013

Endangering Wolverines

       The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is proposing to protect the wolverine under the Endangered Species Act.  This proposition for listing them as endangered is due to the loss of their wintery habitat in the Rocky Mountains.  This habitat loss is linked to climate change, which is predicting the fragmentation and reduction of the area in coming years.  Wolverines primarily live in the high mountains at the tree-line.  This area is cold all year round and has snow generally until the month of May.
       Within the lower 48 states there are an estimated 300 wolverines.  Much of their population was wiped out in the early 20th century due to poisoning and trapping.  They can have a wide home range and be found as far as the Canadian Rockies.  They have also been documented killing animals multiple times their size.

Other animals have been listed as threatened species due climate change such as corals and polar bears. Other species as well as more information about the proposed listing of wolverines can be found here,  NY Times

Source: Wolverines May Be Listed as Endangered

Main, Douglas. " Wolverines May be listed As Endangered." Our Amazing Planet - Life. Our Amazing Planet, 5 Feb. 2013. Web. 7 Apr. 2013. <>.

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