Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Romulus Whitaker

Romulus Whitaker is a herpetologist and a wildlife conservationist.  He founded a snake park in India back in 1972 as well as the Madras Crocodile Bank Trust Center for Herpetology.  The Madras Crocodile Bank is trying to re-establish multiple species of crocodiles that are close to extinction. In November of 2009 Whitaker gave a talk for TED about the pollution of India waterways and how they are affecting cobra in the area.


More information and works from Whitaker can be found at:
Whitaker, Romulus. "Romulus Whitaker: The real danger lurking in the water | Video on" TED: Ideas worth spreading. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Apr. 2013. <

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