Friday, April 26, 2013

Massachusetts and Climate Change

Climate change is a global phenomenon that is sure to cause a disruption in the normal way of doing things in the coming years.  As the amount of greenhouse gases increases and global warming continues there is going to be a change throughout the world for its climates.  Here in Massachusetts there are a multitude of different impacts that are going to eventually change the way we live from winter sports, to coastal economy, and the seasons that we are known for.

Climate Change in Massachusetts

Description / Explanation

Average Annual Temperature Increase
Northeast has been increasing by 0.5% per decade; Reducing snow cover, diminishing fall foliage, driving out native species, increasing invasive species

Winter Temperature Increase
Rising more than twice as fast as annual averages; 4⁰ warmer on average since 1965; Less precipitation as snow (affects economy - shorter ski season)

Average Sea Surface Temperature Rise
Due to carbon dioxide and other heat-trapping gases; 2012 highest since 1854, above 51⁰; Decline in marine species (cod, right wales); Warm waters increase lobsters( Lower market price)

Ocean Acidification
Due to added carbon dioxide; Decline in marine species (cod, lobsters, right wales, scallops); Fish abnormalities; Reduce plant life

Rising Sea Levels
Rising around the globe; Changes in Ocean Circulation; MA loses average of 65 acres a year; Devastate coastal communities; Destroy treasured landmarks; Freshwater wetlands destroyed; Local wildlife washed out; Marshlands destroyed (No wave buffer, wildlife habitat, or pollutant filter)

Extreme and Severe Weather
Extreme downpours and snowfalls increased by 85% since 1948; Intense precipitation as well as longer dry spells

Lower Snowfall Levels
Amount of snow is declining; less snow falls overall and earlier snowmelt

Drought Stress
Tress become more stressed losing autumn vibrancy; More vulnerable to fire; compromise jobs in multiple industries

Driving Out Native Species
Temperature changes cause locations of native species to move; Move to suitable habitat

Increasing Invasive Species
Insects normally kept in check from cold will be able to expand more; Invasive plants move in

Change in Tree Species Composition
Suitable habitat for species will change causing the native trees to change their locations in order to thrive

Affected by trees which control erosion, cool waters, and provide food sources; May affect brook trout and Atlantic salmon; Timing and extent of stream flows affected

Loss of Brook Trout/Atlantic Salmon
Affect New England economy of freshwater fishing

Shoreline Change
Due to rising sea levels; Acceleration of erosion; Threaten estuaries and salt marshes

Extreme Heat
Increase in number of hot days in large cities; Vulnerable populations such as small children, elderly, and poor at risk for heat stress, heart attack, and death

Air Quality
Air pollution from smog and ground ozone; Cardiovascular and respiratory disease stress; Poor air quality days increase; Accelerate pollen production; Extend allergy season, increase asthma risk

Agricultural Impacts
Decrease in milk production due to heat stress;  Decrease in crop yields due to rising temperatures, prolonged heat

Winter Recreation
Snowfall decline; Less lake ice; Shorter ski season; Increase snowmaking; Higher operating costs

Season Change
Spring arriving sooner; Summers growing hotter; Winters warmer and less snowy

Average temp rise; higher heat index and humidity; Expanded season; Summer weather arriving earlier

Increasing temperatures; Delay in arrival; reduced stream flow

Recreational changes; Less snow and more rain

Arriving sooner; Ending earlier; Disruption of plant and animal life cycles; Damage due to extreme precipitation

"Massachusetts Climate Choices in the Northeast: Northeast Climate Impacts Assessment." Climate Choices. Union of Concerned Scientists, n.d. Web. 17 Apr. 2013. <>.
Markey, Edward. "The New New England; As Historic Storm Approaches New England, Rep. Markey Releases Report on Climate Change’s Effects on Region." Welcome to The House Committee on Natural Resources - Democrats - Ranking Member Edward J. Markey | The House Committee on Natural Resources - Democrats - Ranking Member Edward J. Markey. Natural Resources Committee, 25 Oct. 2012. Web. 17 Apr. 2013. <>.
"The Changing Northeast Climate." Climate Choices. Union of Concerned Scientists, n.d. Web. 17 Apr. 2013. <>.

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